
Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Cara Merubah Direct Speech ke Indirect Speech

Direct speech

Indirect speech
Present simple 
She said, “It’s cold.”
Past simple 
She said it was cold.
Present continuous 
She said, “I’m teaching English online.”
Past continuous 
She said she was teaching English online.
Present perfect simple 
She said, “I’ve been on the web since 1999.”
Past perfect simple
She said she had been on the web since 1999.
Present perfect continuous 
She said, “I’ve been teaching English for seven years.”
Past perfect continuous 
She said she had been teaching English for seven years.
Past simple 
She said, “I taught online yesterday.”
Past perfect 
She said she had taught online yesterday.
Past continuous 
She said, “I was teaching earlier.”
Past perfect continuous 
She said she had been teaching earlier.
Past perfect 
She said, “The lesson had already started when he arrived.”
Past perfect 
NO CHANGE – She said the lesson had already started when he arrived.
Past perfect continuous
She said, “I’d already been teaching for five minutes.”
Past perfect continuous 
NO CHANGE – She said she’d already been teaching for five minutes.
She said, “I’ll teach English online tomorrow.”
She said she would teach English online tomorrow.
She said, “I can teach English online.”
She said she could teach English online.
She said, “I must have a computer to teach English online.”
had to 
She said she had to have a computer to teach English online.
She said, “What shall we learn today?”
She asked what we should learn today.
She said, “May I open a new browser?”
She asked if she might open a new browser.
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Cara Merubah Direct Speech ke Indirect Speech

Perubahan direct menjadi indirect pada statement ditandai dengan ‘that’.
Kalimat langsung yang reporting sentence-nya memiliki verb dalam bentuk present tense (simple present, present continuous, and present perfect atau future tense) maka tidak ada perubahan tenses pada reported sentence dalam bentuk tidak langsung (indirect). Ini biasanya terjadi apabila:
1. Melaporkan suatu percakapan yang masih berlangsung
2. Membaca surat dan melaporkan apa isi surat tersebut
3. Membaca perintah dan langsung melaporkannya pada waktu tersebut
4. Melaporkan pernyataan yang sering muncul
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Contoh Indirect Speech

simple past
He said (that) he went to school every day.
past perfect
He said (that) he had gone to school every day.
past perfect
He said (that) he had gone to school every day.
past progressive
He said (that) he was going to school every day.
perfect progressive
He said (that) he had been going to school every day,
He said to go school everyday.
He said (that) he was going to school every day.
She said she was teaching English online.
She asked him what he wanted.

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Contoh Direct Speech

simple present
He said, “I go to school every day.”
simple past
He said, “I went to school every day.”
present perfect
He said, “I have gone to school every day.”
present progressive
He said, “I am going to school every day.”
past progressive
He said, “I was going to school every day.”
future (will)
He said, “I will go to school every day.”
Rizka said, " I'm very fat."
Sella said, " I'm going to school everyday."
"where are doing?" she asked.
She yelled at me, "don't leave the door open!."Sumber
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Make Indirect Speech

pada kalimat tidak langsung ini, kita mengungkapkan maksud pembicara dengan mengungkapkan yang tidak sama persis. kalimat-kalimat indirect sering dihubungkan dengat kata "that".
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Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Indirect Speech

Kalimat tidak langsung,merupakan kalimat yang diucapakan untuk menyampaikan perkatan seseorang kepada orang lain. Atau kalimat yang mengatakan kembali ucapan seseorang tanpa mengubah maksud apa yang di katakan si pembicara. Indirect speech bisa juga disebut reported speech atau kalimat yang dilaporkan karena di dalam indirect speech tidak ada tanda kutip.
Berdasarkan jenis kalimatnya maka Direct and indirect speech dapat dibedakn menjadi tiga bagian , yaitu :
1. Command abd Request
2. Statement
3. Question

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Make Direct Speech

Contoh kalimat direct speech ada tanda kutip pada isi perkatan sedangkan contoh kalimat indirect speech tidak ada tanda kutip. 
Apabila dalam kalimat aktif subyeknya merupakan kata ganti orang misalnya he, she, it, maka bila diletakkan dibelakang, subyek tersebut diletakkan setelah contoh kalimat pertama tanpa mengalami perubahaan bentuk dan susunan. Apabila dalam kalimat aktif subyek merupakan kata benda nama diri misalnya Roy, Bayu, Selvy, maka bila diletakkan dibelakang, subyek tersebut terletak di akhir kalimat (contoh kalimat kedua) tanpa mengalami perubahan bentuk.

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Direct Speech

Direct speech adalah salah satu bagian yang tercakup dalam tata bahasa. Kalimat langsung itu sendiri berarti cara menyampaikan pesan atau kata- kata yang disampaikan oleh seseorang tanpa mengubah subjek maupun bentuk kata kerjanya.
Kalimat langsung dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu :
A. Reporting Verb adalah kata kerja yang melaporkan
B. Reported Words adalah kata-kata yang dilaporkan

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